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Blogs Kids Learning | Why Do We Need to Revise the Methods?

Kids Learning | Why Do We Need to Revise the Methods?

Kids learning methods in our country are broken. We teach our kids history but do not give them morals. That’s why we need to revise our teaching methods. Let’s have a look at how we can connect history to our present situation.

Kids Learning

There is a long list of people from the past that we can look into for this matter. However, the one personality that can use to sum it up is Ibn Al-Haytham. He was the person who changed the research system. In fact, he changed the system of study of every subject. Being a polymath, he was a part of different fields of study. However, the one thing that became his golden ticket was his ‘Scientific Method.’ The scientific method is the right way of reaching conclusions. The process has the following six steps.

1. Ask a Question

2. Do Background Research

3. Construct a Hypothesis

4. Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment

5. Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion

6. Communicate Your Results

These steps form the basis of every finding, even the smallest. That is because they lead to the right conclusions. Every step has its importance. So, there is no skipping through these steps if we want true results. The people that have followed these steps met with nothing but success.

Turning over some pages of the same history chapter, we find people in utter failure. The reason behind it wasn’t much hard to find. It was because they followed the wrong path. It went something like this:

1. Follow your personal preferences or beliefs in forming a principle.

2. Use your imaginations, distorted data, or grapevine to support your principle.

To understand this, we can take the example of Europe and the Muslim World. Europe used these two steps to think. It didn’t follow the scientific method. Hence, it had to face the Dark Ages. However, the Muslims at that time were flourishing. They used the scientific method and achieved great success. That is why we call that time the Golden Era of Muslims. But then the time changed. People translated the scientific method into other languages. As a result, others started using it too. Meanwhile, Muslims lost their track and went into darkness.

Kids Learning: A Step Forward Process!

We can see this example in Pakistan as well. Here people are divided in terms of language and race. We do not use the scientific method in our studies. Instead, we use our thoughts and assumptions. If we want to improve this situation, we will have to include the scientific method in kids’ learning process. For that, we’ll have to make sure they have the following skills.

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