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Remedial plan for students
Remedial plan for students

Remedial Plan

Help kids match their class level with the EAST remedial plan for students. These plans are the perfect resource material. These plans are for pre-primary and primary students. Moreover, they cover the basic yet most important subjects.

Moreover, they’re excellent for school entry tests and help improve student performance. They are very efficient worksheets. That is all available online free of cost. Anyone can access this resource material from EAST. Moreover, they’re very easy to use. You can print out one by one or the complete plan. In addition, the worksheets of the plan are set from easy to difficult. They make sure that they don’t confuse the student and slowly enable them to become confident in their preferred classes.

Pre Primary

Pre-year two and three remedial plans include English, Urdu and Phonics. These subjects cover basic skills. There are about 15-30 worksheets in each plan. Furthermore, they are perfect for kids who need to jump on to their expected classes. This plan prepares them for their classes as soon as possible. In addition, the EAST remedial plan for students covers the most important subjects. That too in the shortest period of time. They teach the identification and practice of basic sounds. Furthermore, they improve their reading and writing skills.


The primary remedial plan includes English and Urdu. By learning these subjects, they built a strong academic foundation. Moreover, improves their language skills. Hence, it helps them understand other subjects. These 15-30 worksheets in each subject help them prepare for their age-appropriate classes.

Furthermore, it enhances their critical and creative thinking. These worksheets include grammar, creative writing and reading. Furthermore, these plans also cover life skills.

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