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summer educational activities
summer educational activities

Summer Activities

EAST summer activities are the best practical worksheets. They are amazing to use while on summer holidays. In addition, kids love to do these diverse activities for kids.

Summer Activities for kids

Moreover, we have summer books for pre-primary, primary, and also AI-related courses for middle school. Hence, this summer is going to be the best one yet! So start our summer activities now with kids!summer activities

Pre Primary

The book includes complete summer vacation work. Furthermore, these hassle-free books just need to be ordered and kids can start working on them. Moreover, it includes activities of all subjects in the book.

Furthermore, these worksheets cover aspects such as tracing to creative writing, from art & craft to science projects and social skills. In addition, our research team developed each worksheet activity for kids according to national and international standards.


Summer vacation books are perfect for holidays. They also enable kids to practice their subjects and become prepared for further studies. Moreover, summer activities have all the important concepts kids need according to their class. Summer activities also enhance thinking and creative skills.

In addition, summer activities are fun to practice and prepare children for further studies. They also improve critical thinking and child development.

Middle School (6 to 9)

Are you ready to have a super fun summer? Then join our middle school summer program that has many amazing courses. In addition, they are perfect for students in grades 6 to 9.

More importantly, you can learn how to write awesome crafts in English and Urdu and become a great speaker in our listening and speaking classes. Furthermore, if you love science, we have fun projects for you too. There is even a spelling bee course.

Last, but not least if you want to improve your handwriting, we have classes for that too. In addition, you can learn how to use Canva and discover the world of Artificial Intelligence with AI ChatGPT, all with our summer activities.

Register now: 0332-8600983
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